Answer the following questions based on the information presented in your report:
Sales of Target in the United States from 2017 to 2023, by product segment (in million U.S. dollars) 
1.  Overall, what did you think of the way the information was presented?
Which 3 slides did you think provided the best source of information in an easy-to-read format? Explain your answer. 
2. Which 3 slides did the worst job of providing easy to use visual information? Why did you think this (i.e., too much on one slide, tried to longitudinal for cross-sectional information, not enough on one slide, partial picture of the scenario, etc.)? 
3. Based on the entire report (not just a couple slides), what was the overall theme(s) that the researchers portrayed in the dossier and how would you use this information as a potential investor? Put differently, briefly tell us the lasting thought or impressions that stuck with you after only reading through the charts and graphs a time or two. Also, how would this lasting impression or theme guide you as an investor, shareholder, or executive for this company?