Dai, H., Milkman, K. L., & Riis, J. (2015). Put your imperfections behind you: Temporal landmarks spur goal
initiation when they signal new beginnings.
Psychological science,26
(12), 1927-1936.
Article Summaries must provide an accurate description and thoughtful critique of an identified psychological
journal article. Each Article Summary should be at least two double-spaced pages (with proper formatting and no
extra spaces between paragraphs) and must be written entirely in your own words. You should ensure that the
summary meet the two-page minimum, with no filler or it will not be graded. The rubric is at the bottom of this
document, ensure that you meet every point, and you will not have an issue with document length. You are not
permitted to use any quotes in your Article Summary and you cannot submit work that you previously submitted, in
part or entirely, for Sona credit, course credit, or extra credit in any class.
Article Summaries must be double spaced with 1″ margins on all sides and written in size 12 Times New Roman font. Ensure that you are not adding additional spacing between paragraphs or any other such filler. A good Article
Summary will be at least 2 pages long, although some students may find that they need more than 2 pages to
provide an adequate description of the article. Each article summary must have the course the credit should be
applied to a the top or no credit will be issued.
Grading from r the Articie Summaries will be completed using  the rubric on the next page Students can earnanywhere
between 0 – 1 pt for each completed Arace Summary.
Students who incluce quotes In their Aricle Summanes wil automatically receive a 0 
Studients who include information taken  word-for wore from the selected articie or anether source or who submt work
thar was submitted for credit previously will receive an aromatic 0