Each section needs to be atleast 1000 words each and use 3 references that are 2020 or newer.
Chapter 4: How do you think planning in today’s
organizations compares to planning in an organization 25 years ago? Do you
think planning becomes more important or less important in a world where
everything quickly changes and crises are a regular part of organizational
life? Why?
Chapter 4: Is changing the organization’s domain a
feasible strategy for coping with a threatening environment? Can you think of
an organization in the recent news that has changed its domain? Explain.
Chapter 6: Compare the descriptions of the
transnational model described in Chapter 6 to the elements of the learning
organization described in Chapter 1. Do you think the transnational model would
work in a huge global firm?
How can/should a biblical worldview be applied?
Chapter 7: Mass customization of products has become a
common approach in manufacturing organizations. Explain the ways in which mass
customization can be applied to service firms as well.
Chapter 7: A top executive claimed that superior
management is a craft technology because the work contains intangibles (such as
handling personnel, interpreting the environment, and coping with unusual
situations that have to be learned through experience). If this is true, is it
appropriate to teach management in a business school? Does teaching management
from a textbook assume that the manager’s job is analyzable and, therefore,
that formal training rather than experience is most important?
Chapter 8: Do you believe that technology will
eventually enable high-level managers to do their job with little face-to-face
Chapter 9: Look through several recent issues of a
business magazine (Fortune, BusinessWeek, Fast Company, etc.) and find examples
of 2 companies that are using approaches to busting bureaucracy. Explain the
techniques that these companies are applying.
Chapter 9: Do you believe that a no growth philosophy
of management should be taught in business schools?
How can/should a biblical worldview be applied?
Chapter 10: Do you think it is possible for an
outsider to accurately discern about the underlying cultural values of an
organization by analyzing symbols, ceremonies, dress, or other observable
aspects of culture in comparison to an insider with several years of work
experience? Select a percentage (e.g., 10%, 70%, etc.) and explain your
Chapter 11: A noted organization theorist once said,
“Pressure for change originates in the environment. Pressure for stability
originates within the organization.” Do you agree?
Chapter 12: If managers frequently use experience and
intuition to make complex, non-programmed decisions, how do they apply
evidence-based management (which seems to suggest that managers should rely on
facts and data)?
Chapter 13: In a rapidly changing organization, are
decisions more likely to be made using the rational or political model of
What biblical implications should be
How can/should a biblical worldview be applied?
Organization Theory & Design – 13TH 21 by: Richard
L. Daft
Organization Theory & Design – 13TH 21 by: Richard
L. Daft