Exploring Child Abuse and Neglect Through the Lens of
“The Inevitable Defeat of Mister and Pete”: A Film Analysis and Response Study
Project Aim:
• Provide a brief overview of the film “The Inevitable Defeat of Mister and Pete.”
o Available for streaming: YouTube, Google Play, Amazon and Apple TV for less than $4
• Summarize the portrayal of child abuse and neglect in popular culture.
• Offer analysis on the broader implications of this research.
Project Narrative:
Child abuse and neglect are critical issues with significant consequences for the well-being and
development of children. To better understand the portrayal of these issues in popular culture and how
it impacts our perception, this research project will focus on the film “The Inevitable Defeat of Mister
and Pete.” This film presents a compelling narrative centered around two young boys, Mister and Pete,
who face the challenges of neglect and abuse while struggling to survive in a harsh New York City
environment. Through a systematic analysis of the film and responses to key questions, this research
aims to shed light on the complexities of child abuse and neglect as portrayed in contemporary cinema.
In efforts to delve deeper into the concepts of child abuse, please respond to at least 3 of the following
• How does the movie portray the emotional and psychological effects of child abuse and neglect
on Mister and Pete? What coping mechanisms do they develop, and how do these mechanisms
evolve throughout the film?
• The character of Alice, a neighbor who helps Mister and Pete, plays a significant role in their
lives. How does her involvement shed light on the importance of community support in
addressing child abuse and neglect? What impact does she have on the boys’ lives?
• Explore the contrast between Mister and Pete’s home lives and their experiences during the
summer when they are on their own. How does this juxtaposition highlight the severity of their
situation and the importance of intervention in cases of neglect?
• The film touches on the concept of breaking the cycle of abuse. What opportunities for breaking
this cycle do the characters encounter, and how do they respond to these opportunities? Do you
think they succeed in breaking the cycle in the end?
• Reflect on the ending of the film. How does it leave the audience feeling about the characters’
futures and the broader issue of child abuse and neglect? Does the film offer any hope or
Project Structure:
• Minimum 5 page requirement (cover page and bibliography count separately)
• Response to at least 3 of the provided discussion prompts
• APA or MLA style; 12pt font; 1 in margins; Double Spaced
• Use at least 4 Academic Resources for citations research articles; legal statutes; text books; etc.
to support your position.