For this assignment, you will create a narrated PowerPoint presentation and submit it to this discussion forum for peer review and grading. Please follow these instructions:
1. Select a relevant and complex healthcare ethical dilemma facing APRNs.
2. Conduct an in-depth exploration of the literature on the ethical dilemma you have selected.
3. Identify Stakeholders relevant to the selected dilemma and explore their individual perspectives.
Presentation Requirements
Your presentation needs to include the following:
1. Introduction:
1. Provide an overview of healthcare ethics and its importance in the healthcare field.
2. Introduce the selected dilemma and its relevance to ethical problem-solving.
2. Ethical Problem Analysis:
1. Discuss the ethical principles, applying relevant theories or frameworks as appropriate.
2. Analyze the conflicting values and perspectives of the stakeholders.
3. Conclusion:
1. Summarize the main points discussed in the presentation.
Maintain the principles of an effective presentation including, readability, text, and design. The notes section should be used to further explore your subject matter.
**SPEAKER NOTES ARE REQUIRED** @ 100 words per slide