Workshop Project: Parenting styles, attachment, discipline techniques (e.g.,
natural and logical consequences)
Project Overview:
Choose a topic
related to parenting – My topic is “Parenting styles, attachment,
discipline techniques (e.g., natural and logical consequences)”
Find research
articles (minimum 2) and additional resources (minimum 1) to help you learn
what the research says about this topic.
Choose an
audience: parents/caregivers, parenting educators, or a specific population
(e.g., foster and/or adoptive parents, parents of adolescents, etc.).
Create an outline
for your presentation/workshop
Create a workshop/presentation
that shares the research you found with your target audience.
Step:  Find research-based resources to help you learn about your topic.
You must use at least three resources:
·       Minimum
of 2 peer-reviewed journal articles.
The best places to go for peer-reviewed journal articles are websites like:
·       Minimum of 1 other type of resource from a reputable
source (e.g., National Association for the Education of Young Children,
Centers for Disease Control, American Academy of Pediatrics, a University or
University Extension program). This resource could also include your textbooks,
lectures, or other resources from class.
Step : Create your workshop! ( use the outline to guide you)
Your workshop must include:
·       Introduction:
Introduction of you, your topic, the audience for your topic, and the purpose
of your workshop.
learning objectives: read the 2-3
learning objectives you created for the workshop.
·       Research overview: An overview of the research you found. Why is this topic important and
what does the research say? Please use APA formatting for your in-text
citations and references page.  
·       Specific strategies: Share 3 specific strategies based on research
that your target audience can try at home or professionally. Explain how your
audience can implement these strategies.
·       Additional resources: Where can your audience find more information? Provide
three or more resources from reputable sources where your audience can learn
·       Engagement activities: includes at least 2 activities/prompts to keep the
audience engage.
·       Reference list:
includes a reference list in APA at the end of the presentation.