Reply to Peers Post : Reply posts should be highly detailed, thoughtful, relevant, and foster further learning and discussion of the classmate’s or instructor’s post. Psychological theory, concepts, and/or research findings continued to be consistently incorporated in order to support opinion statements
For your two replies to classmates, discuss proper ways to set limits to avoid bullying and discuss guidance strategies to promote social learning/positive interactions.
“Kijuana Clark 
RE: Hit Reply to respond.
Hello Class and Professor,
This resource helps me identify the different types of bullying. There are three different types of bullying the website spoke on; 
Verbal bullying: This includes name-calling, teasing, and making threats.
Social bullying: This involves hurting someone’s reputation or relationships. Examples include spreading rumors, embarrassing someone in public, and excluding someone from a group.
Physical bullying: This includes hitting, kicking, pushing, and damaging someones’s property 
The website also mentioned cyberbullying, which is a bullying that takes place using electronic technology. Examples include mean text messages or emails, rumors spread on social media, and posting embarrassing photos or videos online. Bullying can have serious emotional and physical consequences for both the victim and the bully. Victims of bullying may experience depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, and poor academic performance. They may also be at increased risk for substance abuse and suicide. Bullies are at increased risk for criminal behavior. The website provides guidance on how to prevent and respond to bullying. Prevention strategies include creating a positive school climate, teaching social skills, and establishing clear rules against bullying. Responding to bullying involves taking immediate action to stop the behavior, providing support to the victim, and holding the bully accountable. 
Reference Understanding the roles of early education and childcare providers in Community-wide bullying prevention efforts.  “