Students will review the categories of disability for children from birth to age 3 (IDEA Part C) and ages 3-6 years old (IDEA Part B), select one disability in each age group, and investigate the educational challenges and modifications that can be made to support children with those disabilities.
Select two disabilities that you find interesting or relevant. Align each disability with an age group: birth to age 3 or ages 3-6 years old. You will reference at least one reputable resource (for example, research journals, articles, or books), cite them using in-text citations, and list them on a reference page formatted according to APA guidelines.
Research the following items:
Description of disability according to categories of disability as identified in:
IDEA Part C for children from birth to age 3
IDEA Part B for children ages 3-6 years old
Impact disability has on the child’s education or development
Strategies, interventions, modifications, and/or accommodations to support the child in the classroom
Use the course lesson content and readings on the categories of disability as identified in IDEA Part C for children from birth to age 3 and IDEA Part B for children ages 3-6 years old. You may also find the following two websites helpful:
Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (ECTAC)
Center for Parent Information and Resources
Comparison Chart
Create an original comparison chart for each chosen disability. Complete each section thoroughly using complete sentences. You will have two comparison charts – one for each disability.
For each disability include:
Description of disability according to categories of disability as identified in:
IDEA Part C for children from birth to age 3
IDEA Part B for children ages 3-6 years old
At least two educational challenges and impact the disability has on the child’s education or development
At least three strategies, interventions, modifications and/or accommodations to support the child in the classroom that are developmentally age appropriate
Your assignment will include:
Comparative analysis charts.
Include in-text citations for sources used in this assignment. Cited sources should be relevant, credible, and appropriate to support your insights, opinions, and research.
All work should be formatted professionally and use correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation.