The text book is Adolescence 18th edition by John Santrock I will be uploading pictures of the chapters. You will take the role of a professional (i.e., teacher, counselor, coach, mentor, psychologist, etc.) working with adolescents in a school or community setting. Write a 1-2 page Case Study Report that includes (a) Problem Identification, (b) Problem Analysis, and (c) Problem Solution. (See details below).  Your report should be written in APA style with citations from the course text, readings
Case #1:   Annie
Annie is a 15-year-old cheerleader who is tall, thin, and attractive.  No one who sold liquor to her questioned her age.  She got her money from babysitting and what her mother gave her to buy lunch.  Annie was kicked off the cheerleading squad for missing practice too many times, but that didn’t stop her drinking.  Soon she and several of her peers were drinking almost every day.  Sometimes they skipped school and went tothe woods to drink.  Annie’s whole life began to revolve around her drinking.  After a while, her parents began to detect Annie’s problem. Her father put down the line and grounded her for two months. He didn’t want to listen to her arguments.  But her parents’ attempts to get her to stop drinking by punishing her were unsuccessful.  It went on for two years, and, during the last summer, anytime she saw anybody, she was drunk.  
Annie had a very strict upbringing.  Her father was a military officer and her mother was a stay-at-home mom.  The family is very religious. Annie’s parents wanted her to become a doctor, and up until her freshman year in high school, Annie did what her parents told her to, and was an A student taking pre-med honors classes. Annie met her boyfriend, Frank, at the end of her freshman year.   Frank is three years her senior and a high school dropout. Annie’s maternal grandmother died last spring, and Annie was very close to her.