Observe at the approved center-based program for 35–40
hours. Document your time on your Field Experience time
sheet. Your completed 300 hours will be submitted with your
Activities Checklist. Please ensure that both you and your
approved mentor have signed the time sheet.
Choose one age group from your program—infants, toddlers,
or preschoolers—and observe the teachers in the group for
60 minutes during the children’s playtime. Take notes on
your observations. Don’t make judgments or criticisms. Don’t
use the teachers’ names but identify these individuals using
letters (that is, Teacher A, Teacher B, and so forth).
Part 1: Narrative Evaluation
Write a narrative that evaluates each teacher’s behavior.
Remember to identify the group you’ve chosen, the age range
of the children, and how many children were present. Also,
incorporate the answers into an essay format and cover the
following issues:
• How did the teachers get involved in a directorial way
(for example, using directives such as “Now, we’ll do
• How did the teachers get involved by offering guidance
(for example, suggesting using a toy or idea)?
• How did the teachers get involved by becoming part of
the activity? Were the teachers models or participants?
• Did the teachers spend time observing the children?
Field Experience Manual 21
• What evidence was there that the teachers had planned
in some way to support spontaneous play (for example,
supply special materials or props, read a story, show a
film, or take the children on a trip that might expand
their role-playing)?
• How effective were the teachers in any or all the roles
observed? Do you think the teachers functioned more on
the supportive or directive level?
Part 2: Narrative Response
Based on what you know about the role of play in children’s
learning, do you feel a supportive or directive teacher or one
who demonstrates both qualities best encourages creative
and imaginative play? Why?
What to Submit for Evaluation