Critical Thinking Prompt Writing Assignment Choose one of the prompts and prepare a 1-2 page written analysis using the text book, class lectures, and personal experience/stories for support.  Your paper should clearly show that you
have considered all angles of the topic at hand, and carefully applied the topics to “real world” situations. Please make sure that this is typed (Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, double spaced), including your full
name, and the day/time of your class.
1. Critically examine yourself when it comes to your race, ethnicity,
first language spoken, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, ability status, socio-economic status, religion, relationship status, education level, and current living location. List these things out in a
few sentences at the beginning of your paper. For the next few paragraphs examine how the characteristics you listed provide privileges
or drawbacks in current American society. Please elaborate on why you feel certain traits are either a privilege or drawback and cite examples
(something you have seen in your life) if possible. Now that you have thought about yourself in these critical ways, take a minute to consider
your parents (or people who raised you) and their privileges and drawbacks. Do you think this shaped how you were raised? Do you think these experiences will shape how you raise your children?
2. This question is meant for someone in a relationship, and will require your partner’s participation. First, go to this website and watch this 6-minute video together:
Links to an external site.
Next, fill out your Love Language Quiz, and have your partner do the same. Save both of your results:
What were your top 2 love languages, and what were the percentages? List at least 6 specific things that your partner could
do that would make you feel “loved” according to your top 2 results. Next, do the same for your partner’s top 2 love languages, and determine at least 6 things you could do to make them feel loved. Discuss the results of the quiz and the suggested things you
could each do for one another to feel more loved. Do both of you think this method seems correct? Do you feel you can incorporate these methods
into your relationship on a regular basis? Reflect on the experience and on your conversation with your partner.
3. What are your attitudes about “hooking up?” (no commitment) Be specific. If someone engages in this behavior regularly, is it acceptable to be termed “slutty” or “promiscuous?” Do you feel that hooking up is a good way to boost your self-esteem? Does biological sex,
gender identity or sexual orientation make a difference in how pleasurable the experience might be? (to be clear – does one gender/sex have more pleasure than others?) Does hooking up often include the consumption of alcohol or drugs?  Do you think “most people” feel comfortable hooking up? Do you think that everyone does it, but they just don’t talk about it? What are the most important parts of attractiveness that lead to a “hook up?”  Do men or women generally enjoy the “hook up” more?  Why? How many sexual partners is “normal” and
how many is too many?
*Please upload this using a DOC or DOCX file format. I cannot open Pages files, and PDF formats do not read well on When you submit the assignment it will be automatically uploaded to for plagiarism and AI use. Text book: Marriages, Families, and Relationships: Making Choices in a Diverse Society
by Lamanna/Riedmann/Stewart
Critical Thinking Prompt Writing Assignment