Please write a reaction paper to Chapters 6 (Beng) and 9 (Faroese)  in our textbook, A World of Babies. Please type it, use complete sentences, correct grammar, and spelling, etc., to receive full credit. Two-page, 1-inch margins, 11-point Calibri, double-spaced.  
The goal of the thought paper is to connect course concepts to the Ch. 6 & 9. There are a lot of directions you could go. Here are a few examples, although you are not limited to these. Consider one of these (or an entirely different topic) and go in depth on that one topic (as opposed to trying to cover all these really briefly without any depth). Make sure you explicitly refer to course content in your paper.
Compare and contrast the parental ethnotheories of the Beng and the Faroese.
Given what we’ve learned about how parenting decisions are multiply determined (e.g., by economic factors, climate, religion, physical setting, parent beliefs, etc.), what inferences can you make about why the cultures employ certain parenting practices?
What are the different approaches to parenting of the older generation versus the younger generation?
What surprised you the most?  How does that relate to what we have discussed in class?