
  • Instructions Background In 2017, the Federal Income Tax and Jobs Act passed redu

    Instructions Background In 2017, the Federal Income Tax and Jobs Act passed reduced the corporate income tax for U.S. operations from 44% to 21% and, for most individuals, reduced the taxes owed in 2018 from the amount owed in the prior year. Beginning in 2017 and continuing in 2018, the rate of quarterly growth in…

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  • The COMPANY CHOSEN IS STARBUCKS Use one of the following sites (or multiple site

    The COMPANY CHOSEN IS STARBUCKS Use one of the following sites (or multiple sites) below to research a company that begins with the same letter as your last name (e.g., someone with the last name Henderson could choose Hercules Offshore, Inc.).  Google Finance – To find such a company, begin by entering letters in the search…

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