
  • Assignment: Students will research and develop an APA-formatted paper that explo

    Assignment: Students will research and develop an APA-formatted paper that explores the following: Understanding Career Theories and Their Application in Counseling: Debunking Myths and Supporting Clients The field of career counseling relies on a solid foundation of career theories to guide professionals in assisting clients with their career development. These theories provide valuable frameworks for…

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  • ASST 10: Functional Equivalency in Vision Goal: draw connections between scienti

    ASST 10: Functional Equivalency in Vision Goal: draw connections between scientific research and empirical evidence Describe evidence from at least one PRIMARY SOURCE JOURNAL ARTICLE suggesting the presence or absence for the functional equivalency of imaginal (imagery-based) processing and perceptual (“real-input”-based) processing.  The evidence should speak to whether or not visualization and imagery use similar brain-based processing. This report…

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  • To gain a better appreciation and understanding of generational differences in a

    To gain a better appreciation and understanding of generational differences in adolescence, your assignment is to interview a person of your choice who is at least a generation older or younger than you (about 16 years; they may be your parents, child, relatives, or friends) using the following questions. You are also encouraged to ask…

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  • CASE CONCEPTUALIZATION For your main post only, upload your completed form, whic

    CASE CONCEPTUALIZATION For your main post only, upload your completed form, which will contain your: Narrative Summary DSM-5 Diagnosis Theoretical Orientation and Application

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  • Select a social problem such as drug abuse, suicide, homelessness, bullying or r

    Select a social problem such as drug abuse, suicide, homelessness, bullying or racism and discuss how the various sociological perspectives view the problem and how they may go about solving this problem. You must support your response with scholarly sources in APA format. Simply stating your opinion is not enough, back up your opinion with…

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  • 10page essay (excluding title page and reference page). You should use a minimum

    10page essay (excluding title page and reference page). You should use a minimum of 6-8 sources from the Touro library in your Signature Assignment. The sources should be from the last four years and all should be peer reviewed journal articles rather than just  internet blogs or postings.   

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  • Formulate a final paper based on the interview and observations you have conduct

    Formulate a final paper based on the interview and observations you have conducted.    Use the Behavioral Observation Record Forms you have completed on each subject and then review answers to your interview questions to compare your subjects. Discuss the differences you observed and noted between the age groups.  Also, be sure to include a section on…

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  • Length: 2 – 1,250 word papers 5 pages, double-spaced, in 12-point font, not incl

    Length: 2 – 1,250 word papers 5 pages, double-spaced, in 12-point font, not including title page and references list Objectives and Outcomes Examine a personality theory in-depth. Apply concepts that you have learned in the course materials. Acquire knowledge about a specific topic or issue related to personality theories that is of interest to you. Analyze and…

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  • Instructions This week, you have learned about t-tests and ANOVA and will apply

    Instructions This week, you have learned about t-tests and ANOVA and will apply what you have learned in the evaluation of several research scenarios. For this task, you will read each research scenario and answer the questions regarding each one. Research Scenario 1 A researcher is interested in the effects of a new weight loss…

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  • Review Biological Psychology: Critical and Sensitive Periods of Development. (ht

    Review Biological Psychology: Critical and Sensitive Periods of Development. (   What are  ‘critical periods of development’ and ‘sensitive periods of development’?  What is the difference?  Also, what are ‘Impoverished vs. Enriched Environments’? What are the consequences (see Figure 2.9) (link to chart:  Why is this good to consider looking at human development, along with consideration…

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