
  • The Psychiatric Diagnosis topical paper must include the following: Explain psyc

    The Psychiatric Diagnosis topical paper must include the following: Explain psychological concepts in the patient’s presentation using professional terminology. Identify symptoms and behaviors exhibited by the patient in the chosen case study. Match the identified symptoms to potential disorders in the DSM-5-TR diagnostic manual. Propose a diagnosis based on the patient’s symptoms and the criteria…

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  • As you prepare to write your case, please complete each of the following steps:

    As you prepare to write your case, please complete each of the following steps: Select a psychological disorder from the chapter. Carefully review all of the criteria (i.e. the symptoms) for your selected disorder. Write a case in which the majority of the required symptoms are reflected or present in your  client.  Please make sure…

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  • As I sit down to write this post, I find this discussion topic to be rather diff

    As I sit down to write this post, I find this discussion topic to be rather difficult. It truly forces one to be introspective, something that I realize I do not do very often. Initially, what came to mind is that I am a woman and a wife. However, this saddened me because I am…

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  • The assignment is to write a paper, approximately 10 pages, (but could be more o

    The assignment is to write a paper, approximately 10 pages, (but could be more or less), double spaced, about the psychology of BTK, based upon his “Confessions” book.  The first part of the paper should consist of a psychological evaluation of BTK, including a mental status as well, as discussed and reviewed in Week 2. …

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  • Case Assessment and Intervention Planning: Students will complete three case rep

    Case Assessment and Intervention Planning: Students will complete three case reports. Utilizing your beginning understanding of crisis work, for this assignment you are being asked to perform a case assessment on a clinical scenario assigned by the instructor.  Rate the client in each of the three domains (Affective, Behavioral, and Cognitive) using the Severity…

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  • This week you read in chapter 5 about what Scripture has to say about diversity.

    This week you read in chapter 5 about what Scripture has to say about diversity.  Diversity in scripture, as in the modern era, is complex, messy, and in no way “easy”. However, in Chapter  6 you read about where the modern Christian church has been and where it is going, and what challenges it faces…

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  • Midterm Paper:  12-page paper on the book Influence, Cialdini, R.  1. How does t

    Midterm Paper:  12-page paper on the book Influence, Cialdini, R.  1. How does the discussion of fixed-action patterns and trigger features related to influence in humans? Describe a time when you doubted a purchase because it, “Wasn’t expensive enough?” What are judgmental heuristics and controlled responding? What is perceptual contrast? Provide an example of each from…

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  • I uploaded 2 sample papers, the instructions, and the grading rubric. There has

    I uploaded 2 sample papers, the instructions, and the grading rubric. There has to be a family vignette created with issues and problems, nothing too complex. There are two theories that need to be applied along with intervention. I say 4-5 pages would be good, not including the title and reference page.

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    PLEASE THOROUGHLY REVIEW THE ATTACHMENTS I HAVE PROVIDED BELOW BECAUSE IT FULLY  EXPLAINS THE ASSIGNMENT. YOU MUST WRITE 4-5 PAGES BASED ON THE QUESTION I HAVE  PROVIDED BELOW. ———————————————————————————– What are some signs or behaviors that might indicate a child is experiencing abuse, and  how can we encourage children to speak up if they feel…

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  • Demonstration of self-awareness, personal insight and reflexivity when evaluatin

    Demonstration of self-awareness, personal insight and reflexivity when evaluating the influence of formative life experience on the self. Identification of personal issues, e.g. blind spots and configurations of self, that may affect interpersonal relationships. Application of relevant theories about personal development over the lifespan, e.g., attachment theory, psychosocial development, Bronfenbrenner to understand and process personal…

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