
  • Length: 2 – 1,250 word papers 5 pages, double-spaced, in 12-point font, not incl

    Length: 2 – 1,250 word papers 5 pages, double-spaced, in 12-point font, not including title page and references list Objectives and Outcomes Examine a personality theory in-depth. Apply concepts that you have learned in the course materials. Acquire knowledge about a specific topic or issue related to personality theories that is of interest to you. Analyze and…

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  • Instructions This week, you have learned about t-tests and ANOVA and will apply

    Instructions This week, you have learned about t-tests and ANOVA and will apply what you have learned in the evaluation of several research scenarios. For this task, you will read each research scenario and answer the questions regarding each one. Research Scenario 1 A researcher is interested in the effects of a new weight loss…

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  • Review Biological Psychology: Critical and Sensitive Periods of Development. (ht

    Review Biological Psychology: Critical and Sensitive Periods of Development. (   What are  ‘critical periods of development’ and ‘sensitive periods of development’?  What is the difference?  Also, what are ‘Impoverished vs. Enriched Environments’? What are the consequences (see Figure 2.9) (link to chart:  Why is this good to consider looking at human development, along with consideration…

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  • Post brief answers to the following discussion questions. Once you have posted y

    Post brief answers to the following discussion questions. Once you have posted your responses, respond to at least one other post. A thorough, interesting response will get a point in addition to the 4 points available for your own post. 1) Do you agree or disagree with Anderson’s main points? Explain why with a brief…

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  • For this assignment, each week, we will be learning about and applying a differe

    For this assignment, each week, we will be learning about and applying a different concept to our personal and/or professional lives.  Of the many ways that we can learn the many concepts that are covered in class, applying the concepts helps us learn the information on a deeper level as well as aid us in…

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  • You write a formative essay (10 Pages) Topic: write about crime and Violence un

    You write a formative essay (10 Pages) Topic: write about crime and Violence under youth 1. Introduction Briefly discuss and introduce your topic to the reader 2. Body: crime and Violence 3. The white paper of social welfare 1997 ( what does the white paper say about the topic, compare statistical data on how it…

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  • Instructions Week 4 Presentation: Use resources from Weeks 1 – 3 for this assign

    Instructions Week 4 Presentation: Use resources from Weeks 1 – 3 for this assignment. From the list below, answer the following questions in your PowerPoint presentation. This presentation should be no less than ten – twelve slides, not including title and Reference slide. Your presentation should include graphics, as well as utilizing the Note portion…

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  • Overview:  Your task is to help build an understanding of how racial inequality

    Overview:  Your task is to help build an understanding of how racial inequality plays out in neighborhoods by profiling Austin in Chicago.  Your paper should critically reflect on how various factors such as income, home ownership, politics, education, health, and access (or lack of access) to jobs has shaped your chosen community.  Also consider how historical…

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  • Abstract: Despite extensive literature on the benefits of direct physical touch

    Abstract: Despite extensive literature on the benefits of direct physical touch on well-being of human, limited research focuses on the impact of vicarious touch (observing touch) on emotional well-being. Previous research consistently demonstrates that visualizing touch elicits similar subjective and affective responses as physically experiencing touch. This study aimed to explore the impact of vicarious…

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  • In this course, learners demonstrate knowledge, scholarship, and research profic

    In this course, learners demonstrate knowledge, scholarship, and research proficiency in their chosen psychology specialization by developing a research proposal. As they engage with a faculty mentor in the preparation of a five-chapter integrative project, learners develop and demonstrate academic and professional competency in proposing new and original research, writing and applying for grants, adhering…

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